What a bunch of crazy students we were!...
The night just before our exam, me, sarah, mihanh, carlos and evan, went to 노래방.. at first, we just interested on the drum set that include in the room, just for 3000원 if we want to sing in a room with drum set in it..
First, our plan just go to Pukyong National University, met with my Prof. and people who work at student affairs administration office, asked about requirement documents to apply for Master and Doctoral Degree Program. But because we had a quite interesting and warm conversation, so we were late to had dinner at dorm. Then, we decided to had dinner at some cheap student restaurant near Pukyong.
The important scene at that night is the second we finished our dinner, we passed this interesting banner. It was said that you can sing while playing drum with a cheap prize.. (like karaoke room). And lucky (or some other people said it was unfortunate time for us). almost all of us like to sing.. we love music.. and it was a persuade banner for us.. well, just for another one hour..
So.. we went there..
at first it was just for 1 hour.. but the owner lady was too kind.. she gave us 30 minutes bonus for 3 times!!!... We sang and sang.. until we fed up!!!...
So, at the end.. we came late at our dorm, mihanh and sarah went straight to their room, to sleep.. it was just me and carlos who still trying to study that night. After finished one practice sheet, it was almost 2 am, when we finally decided to finished it, take a rest and get prepare for tomorrow.
We did it..
thankfully, some of the the practice sheet we did last night was come out on exam. So, I was glad.. I think I can do it.. I hope..
but, Mihanh,.. she was feeling so sleepy..
Evan, he can do it well, i think.. cause he's so smart..
Carlos, cause a few numbers came out on exam, so he felt a bit ok.. though,
and Sarah.. she felt there's a few questions she couldn't answer..
and when i said.. "well, friends.. we did something fool last night.. sorry for that.. didn't helping you to decided the right thing.."
you know what they said?
"well, indah.. even if I study last night in my room, not go outside, i think i still can't answer those questions.. cause i never study untill two days before exam.. so, don't worry.. "
he was right.
but for me, it was a really worthy experience..
next time, don't make sloppy decision.. :)