Thursday 25 February 2010

강하게 부르는 바람...

오늘은 새벽부터 바람이 강하게 불렀다. 지금도 비가 오고 있다. 그런데 오후에 수업이 있을 거지만 난 교실에 가는 것을 주서한다.. 어떻게 해야 해요?...

Wednesday 24 February 2010

기다리는 시간..

나는 이번 달 말에는 TOPIK 시험이 있을거니까 지금은 날마다 열심히 공부 해야 한다. 하지만 시험후에는 고향에 돌아갈거니까 지금은 생각이 많이 나왔다.


four more days to come..
see you there...

Tuesday 23 February 2010

pasar ginseng

Seusai ujian hari ini, Mihanh, teman satu kelas, minta di temani pergi beli ginseng di pasar tengah kota Busan. Setelah ujian hari Minggu nanti, temanku ini juga akan kembali ke negaranya untuk berlibur.. Sepanjang perjalanan, dia sering mengeluh.. ternyata, ginseng yang akan dia beli ini adalah titipan temannya.. dan karena untuk vietnam, batas kapasitas bagasi adalah 40 Kg, temannya dibawakan sesuatu yang setelah di hitung-hitung, bisa mencapai 20 Kg!!!....
Wuih!!! belum lagi temen vietnamnya yang tahun ini akan lulus, minta di bawakan buku-bukunya.. wuih.. wuih.. bener-bener baik, temenku yang satu itu... ck ck ck...
Tapi, bener.. emang ternyata bawaannya banyak.. sampai kita naik taksi untuk kembali ke asrama..
dan sekarang aku kekenyangan setelah makan malem, yang kebetulan, menu malam ini edible. Maksudnya tanpa daging dan dengan lauk ikan.. enak.. Tapi, jadi agak melebihi kapasitas perut, kayaknya.. haha.. :)

Thursday 18 February 2010

drink it!!

Today, there was graduation ceremony for Silla Univ's Student, and also entrance ceremony for High school student who will study at Silla. Everybody was happy.. parents, beloved friends,.. all came.. so many people was there with formal suit.. and also there was so many flowers..

But, we still have class.. Just NIIED students. Haha.. preparation class for TOPIK exam on last February. Well, just drink it, everybody!!!...

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Guns and Talks..

cold blood - warm heart assassins..

Director : Jang Jin (장진)
Cast : Shin Hyun-jun (신현준), Jeong Jae-young (정재영), Sin Ha-kyun (신하균), Won Bin (원빈)

Last night i watched this movie.. it was really funny, but without slapstick scenes. so, it funny by itself.. This comedy-action movie released in 2001, tell about 4 cool and warm hearted assassins, who live in a same house, and have an almost never failed record track.. but, in this movie, you can see the human part of a cold blood assassin.. how they deal with problems, and how they try to act professionally cool..
really worth to watch..

Tuesday 16 February 2010


as if..

Sunday 14 February 2010

Silla Univ. covered by snow... (눈이 모든 여기서..)

percaya, ngga? ini gunung persis di sebelah gedung asrama ku.. hehe..
kalo lagi ketutup salju gini, seperti bukan di Busan aja.. seperti bukan di Silla University..

Naah, kalo ini, pemandangan kota Busan dari Asrama lantai 5,
Itu.. jauh dibalik pohon2 bisa dilihat ada beberapa gedung, yang termasuk Gedung-gedung fakultas di Silla Univ.

Naah, kalo mundur beberapa langkah, ketahuan deh.. tempat aku ambil dua foto di atas..
dari ruang santai di lantai 5 Asrama Silla.
(itu.. coffee cup yang lagi aku minum haha..)

aku coba keluar Asrama, lihat pemandangan apa yang bisa di ambil..
Naah, bisa dilihat, persis di sebelah gedung asrama kami, adalah hutan.. tepatnya, asrama kami terletak di dalam hutan.. haha..
dan kalo ingin lihat di dalam hutan seperti apa, coba lihat di posting saya sebelumnya.. :)
(judul artikel : "salju terakhir di musim dingin awal 2010")

teras asrama kami... :)

ruang santai.. (kelihatannya sangat dingin, ya??
padahal pakai sweater tebal satu lapis, sudah cukup, ko..)

sekarang aku mencoba keluar asrama..
gedugn di belakangku adalah gedung asrama..
(itu basement tempat parkir mobil..hehe)

Naah, ini taman dekat dengan asrama ku..
sudah ada buah yang mengawali musim semi..
(buah pertama di akhir musim dingin.. hehe)

terang banget.. efek salju dimana2..

masih di taman..

di depan jembatan kecil..
(bukan pose yang paling baik.. hehe, maap)

jembatan background foto di atas..
dari jejak kaki yang terlihatn, sudah ada beberapa orang yang melewati jembatan..
ternyata ada juga yang bangun lebih pagi..haha

Saturday 13 February 2010

sea bird photo shot...

It was three of us on Haeundae beach, last days of winter early 2010..
there was a lot of sea birds, and we asked them for a few still picture together..
they said nothing, until we gave them snacks..
those birds are into snacks.. but never get fat..!
maybe they work out a lot.. (who knows??)




(try to feed the birds..)
(scared... of birds that want to eat snacks from my hand..haha)

with sasiwan... (and birds..)

was trying to fly...
the end..

there was so much sea bird

it might be the last snow in winter early 2010

it was a beautiful view on Baekyang Mountain, back of our dormitory...

defri, me and evan... (hafeez was taking the picture)

Hafeez was soo hungry, even want to eat snow..!

Defri... with her camera.. try to take picture of evan

Evan who just get snow which hafeez throwed..

Wednesday 10 February 2010


lagi bosen,... akhirnya iseng buat sketsa rumah tipe 36..

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Silla Univ. was covered by fog.. !

After raining a whole day, today fog was come... and it was quite thick!!
So I took some pistures from my cellphone.. and you can see it back ward, from the last picture i took..

fog was every where...

fog was covering our campus..

the small road from my dormitory to my class...
the air was grey...
i love this... :) it was look like my neighborhood back in 1986 - 1990..

the view from the window of my dormitory, tv room, 5th floor..

it was interesting day... :)

Monday 8 February 2010

Busan dan Bandung 80an..

pagi tadi, aku pikir masih jam 6, eh.. ternyata udah jam 7.. tapi, kenapa di luar masih gelap, ya??
ternyata gerimis..!
dan diluar berkabut... :D

trus, saat berangkat ke kelas, pemandangan ini yang aku lihat.. wah.. seperti di Bandung tahun 80an dan 90an awal..

udaranya pun jadi lebih lembab.. :)

dan lagi.. suhu jadi lebih hangat.. :D
minggu kemarin setiap hari antara -3 dan -5, pagi ini hanya 5 derajat !!..
hehe... sejuuk..

ini pemandangan di luar kamar, saat tengah hari...!
sama seperti pagi... :)


sejuuuk.... :)

Sunday 7 February 2010

korean movies that i watched..

5 months since i came to Korea, the most frequent things that i used to do on leisure time is appreciating Korean movies.. At first, in order to get adapted to this language quickly, my roommate, Defri, told me that i should watch Korean movies and listening to their songs.. "it will be helpful", she said.
Then, i started to watch their movies and dramas (tv serial). Lucky, we got a quite high speed internet connection in our dormitory.. so, I took the benefit and started to search for them on internet, watch it online. From those movies that i found interesting, i got some soundtrack and started listen to Korean songs.. hmm, not bad..
And in 5 months, i already watched a few movies and dramas.. and here are the list of movies that i found interesting among those movies that i watched.. :)

hmm.. and actually, i really hope that i can get the movie, and watch it with my family in Indonesia.. sharing the atmosphere.. hehe..

A Bitter sweet life (2001)

it's a movie about war of justice..
a calm, less music, but strong of violence movie..
as i quote from, the story is innovative enough to make those violence become a topic of conversation in the movie..

"Mixed in with the cruelty is a bit of absurd, black humor in the middle reels, but not enough to lessen the heavy feel of the work as a whole. The end result is a visually stylish, cool film that is both very commercial (even though it underperformed in both Korea and Japan), and also complex enough to make it hard to pin down."

Ditto (2001)
Drama, Fantasy, Romance..

It focuses on a female university student from 1979 who begins talking via HAM radio with another student from her school. They hope to meet, but through a series of misunderstandings she begins to realize that the other student lives in the year 2000. This bit of the supernatural (which is portrayed quite matter-of-factly) serves as the foundation for an exchange between these two, who are separated by 20 years during which their culture has been transformed"

A moment to remember (2001)

A sad movie.. and yet, very romantic and touching. The story is about a couple who have an almost perfect life, in their fun and simple love... but it was just before the wife get alzheimer disease.. and started to forget everything.
For those who like to watch romantic and touching movie...
You'll love this movie.. :)

One fine spring day (2001)

how the sound of nature can filled their life...
a love story between a nature sound recorder and a music director..

Once in a summer (2006)

"Do you have someone that you want to meet before you die?", she asked to that Professor. He once teach her before she become a journalist. So, that's how the movie begin..
it's about two young people who met and know each other for 10 years but effected on their entire life..
comedy, simple romance, entertaining, all at once touching story...
worthy to watch.. (indah)

Bungee jumping of their own (2000)

"The film's opening is striking in its visuals, humor and sadness, while the scenes shot in the present contain an unusual energy. Later in the film the mood turns much more serious and issue-oriented, in an unusual plot twist"

and more movies....