cherry blossoms...

10th April 2010, the second last day of Cherry Blossom Festival at Jinhae, South Korea. It was 11 am when we arrived there it took around 1 hour by bus from Busan.

"gun hang chei" 48th Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival Banner..

Jinhae city and it's cherry blossoms trees...
Our first journey was going to Jehwangsan Park (제황산 공원). It is located at the central of Jinhae city. We had to walk trough this market, and then we saw the Park front gate.

from above picture, you can see the pagoda shape building (altough it's too bright).
from the gate of Jehwangsan park, we can see lines of white roof tents down there
We had to walk on 365 steps of stairs untill we reach the top of that Park, and after that we saw a building with Pagoda shape.
people who walk on stairs that headed to top of the Park with different purpose..
for their religion purpose..
enjoying their time with friends

and some people selling traditional snack..
it's the last steps of the stairs (signifying 365 days in a year)

trying to touch the mountain.. :P
(view from top of Pagoda shape building)

four of us.. (me, hafeez and defri) at Jehwangsan Park..
and now, we headed to our second destination is the "Romance Bridge"..

walaa.. we are here !!!
me, defri and evan.. when we first step on the romance bridge path..
(hafeez who took this picture)
여좌천, 로망스 다리.. "Romance Bridge"
Famous bridge at Jinhae (진해), that always attract tourist like me.. with cherry blossoms trees along the both side of the brook, we've walk from the beginning until the end of this brook, 1,5 km far. It was quite romantic place, so many couples, family, and friends spend their time taking pictures, and enjoying the view..

me and defri.. enjoying the view..
people taking pictures...

like defri, hafeez and evan..

and me.. :)
took pictures everywhere..

three indonesian students..
end of our journey..

after almost 6 hours walking..
finally, we decided to rest, and eat. Get ready for another journey...