trus, dalam perjalanan kembali dari ambil stik (di gedung yang lain, yang jarak antar gedungnya ada kali, sekitar 300 meter, mah).. begitu aku hampir sampe gedung tempat kita permform, temenku dari jauh bilang.. "Indah, Hurry up! it's almost our time to play!!!"..
Spontan aja, aku langsung lari2 sambil bawa tas isi stik2 itu.. in case temen2 ada yang belum dapet stik juga.. Dan aku lari2 sambil pake kostum Samulnori lengkap dengan pita2 rumbai2 di belakangnya.. hahahaha..! heboh pisan! asa pilem.. hehehehe... :))
pas aku sampe.. (pasti dengan muka tanpa make up.. karena seharian sibuk, ngga sempet dandan, kecuali bedak tipis dan lipbalm warna cherry..) begitu aku keluar dari lift.. teman2 bilang "well, indah has came..! come on indah.. be ready in the line..! we will enter the stage after this performance.. around 2 minutes again!"..
langsung, aku bersiap diri, ambil cangguk, dan masuk dalam barisan..! hahaha... :D
And with trying to be confident, we played that "Yhung Nam Noong Ak" on the stage.
We felt that we played really bad. hahaha.. Cause it was really different, when you played on practice and on stage (of course..!) and the same as you can imagine, we played in different tempo.. hahaha... few of us played it to fast.. and every body trying to keep up.. and, well..
it was messy..! hahaha... and, after a few second played, i realized how messed we were.. and i started to smile.. and enjoy the play.. ! even we played it bad..! hahahaha...
But we won the third prize..! we got 50 thousand won for our group..! maybe next time we will celebrate it with our teachers... :)
And Also, me and amaj played arirang to represent our class (Class A-Beginner) .. won 4th place with that.. :D
thanks God..! I thought we were bad..
and really bad costum for recieving prize!!!!... hah! Indaah.. indah... ck ck ck ck... so bad! Defri, our Teacher, Evan and me.. (Indonesian Student..!!!)
Nice.. :) Me with my Cang-guk.. after performance..
My dream come true.. Playing percussion musical instrument.. and perform!!!.. hehe
Well, guys.. we finally did it!!!...
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