Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Monday, 28 September 2009
Seoul Part 2 : Andong, Hahoe's mask dancer village
After Gyengbokgung Palace, Insadong, dan NIIED orientation visit, we arrive at Andong..
dari paling kiri, muter ke kanan arah jarum jam : kol pedes, ikan agak asin, ikan mentah (yang warna merah) dengan telur dadar ala korea (yang warna hijau sebelah ikan mentah), trus yang seperti perkedel itu.. aku lupa namanya, kimchi, dan yang paling bawah seperti sayur asem.
from left : Suphang, Edou, Evan, Sasha, Hussein, Amaj, Jo-Sonsengnim, Lee-Sonsengnim, Aku, dan sang Master.
a Folk village where Hahoe's mask dancer live..
This 55 old man, is one of Master Hahoe's mask dancer. Although I've forgoten his name.. (what a fool of me), I 'll always remember have been to his place. To taste Korean traditional food and put one of Hahoe's mask on my face. He owns a Korean traditional restaurant and a souvenir store near Andong village gate.
Malam itu, kami makan malam di restaurant yang menyajikan makanan tradisional korea. Itu menu wajib, karena dalam rangka mengenalkan kebudayaan korea ke orang asing, seperti aku dan temen2 kelasku. Makanan sudah disajikan, tapi sebelum mulai makan, aku ingin mencari roti untuk temanku yang masuk angin. Nah, di depan restaurant ada toko kecil. Mungkin disana jual makanan, minimal roti..
Waktu masuk ke toko.. yang ada 90% souvenir. "lho, ini kan toko souvenir.. makanan atau minuman seadanya aja yang dijual.." tapi sepi.. ga ada orang.
Setelah mengucapkan salam, ada seorang tua keluar.. Well, penampilannya seperti empu pembuat keris!.. "mungkin cara berpakaian orang Andong seperti ini, ya?", pikirku. Hmm, trus, jadinya aku hanya beli kerupuk pasir. Rasanya manis, lumayan untuk ngisi perut yang masuk angin. Setelah pamit, aku kembali ke restaurant.
Akhirnya aku bisa makan.. wuih, laparnya.. kami baru makan sekitar pukul 7.30, karena perjalanan cukup jauh dari Seoul (orientasi NIIED).
Kimchi, itu makanan khas korea.. hampir tiap rumah ada kimchi.. bahkan setiap keluarga punya resep turun temurun dari nenek moyangnya.. kimchi, bisa disimpen sampe 4 tahun!!!... biasanya kalo ada acara besar korea (seperti Idul fitrinya Indonesia), Kimchi pasti disajikan di tiap rumah..
Makanan wajib orang Korea. Tapi, termasuk salah satu makanan yang kurang disukai orang asing. Tapi it's okey for me.. :)
Saat makan, tiba2 keluar dari pintu samping, seorang empu (Bapak yang tadi di toko!!) , sambil bawa beberapa potong kayu..
Ternyata itu "Hahoe's mask" !!!....jpg)
Setiap topeng di ceritakan sejarah dan artinya, wataknya, dan sang Master mempersilahkan kami mencoba mengenakan topeng, dan bermain di panggung bohongan.. hehe.
what you've choosen
Sometimes, what you choose is not always assume to be the right path for someone else.
Someone try to find someone else's fault just because they want to be the right one, becoming common.
Doesn't stand with differences, cannot bear to be different for what you choosed.
Instead of try to see the basic truth of faith, harmony of differences, you loose what your believe
and ask people to become common.
(inspired from a friend story)
Someone try to find someone else's fault just because they want to be the right one, becoming common.
Doesn't stand with differences, cannot bear to be different for what you choosed.
Instead of try to see the basic truth of faith, harmony of differences, you loose what your believe
and ask people to become common.
(inspired from a friend story)
Seoul Part 1 : Insadong
Rabu, 23 September lalu, kami berangkat ke Seoul untuk mengikuti orientasi NIIED..
Tapi, karena perjalanan cukup jauh, kurang lebih 6 jam menggunakan Bis, sebelum sampai ke Seoul, kami mampir di beberapa tempat..
Selama 2 jam, kami diberi waktu bebas untuk menyusuri jalan penuh orang berjualan dan deretan toko di Insadong. Di sepanjang jalan ini aku melihat banyak sekali wajah-wajah selain Korea. Tempat ini biasa dipilih turis untuk cari souvenir atau sekedar lihat orang yang beli souvenir.. :)

Tapi, karena perjalanan cukup jauh, kurang lebih 6 jam menggunakan Bis, sebelum sampai ke Seoul, kami mampir di beberapa tempat..
Selama 2 jam, kami diberi waktu bebas untuk menyusuri jalan penuh orang berjualan dan deretan toko di Insadong. Di sepanjang jalan ini aku melihat banyak sekali wajah-wajah selain Korea. Tempat ini biasa dipilih turis untuk cari souvenir atau sekedar lihat orang yang beli souvenir.. :)
Saturday, 26 September 2009
mean while
..mean while... on the same time...
"Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing
Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms
I'd go sailing
It's far beyond the stars,
It's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just like before
Happy we will be beyond the sea
And never again
I'll go sailing
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet,
I know we'll meet beyond the shore"
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we will be beyond the sea
"Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing
Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms
I'd go sailing
It's far beyond the stars,
It's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just like before
Happy we will be beyond the sea
And never again
I'll go sailing
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet,
I know we'll meet beyond the shore"
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we will be beyond the sea
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
beyond the sea
lebaran.. people share it with whom they love... i have mine. but it wasn't complete.
my other half is beyond the sea :)
my other half is beyond the sea :)
Friday, 18 September 2009
Akhirnya, tadi ketemu juga sama Prof. di PKNU yang nantinya mungkin jadi pembimbing tesis..di lab, aku dikenalkan dengan temen2 lab marine biology. Mereka baik2.. ramah, welcome, dan lain2 yang baik2..
nice people..
sepulang dari PKNU, sudah dikasih pekerjaan rumah, baca artikel Prof. hehe.. :)
harus rajin!!!
tapi, aku telat!... kalo jam 6 baru berangkat dari pknu, bakalan ga kekejar, nih.. makan malam di asrama!.. walah..!
Dijalan, aku putuskan untuk pergi ke masjid saja.. Alhamdulillah, disana makanan halal masih menunggu.. :P
selalu dipermudah sama Allah SWT... amin..
nice people..
sepulang dari PKNU, sudah dikasih pekerjaan rumah, baca artikel Prof. hehe.. :)
harus rajin!!!
tapi, aku telat!... kalo jam 6 baru berangkat dari pknu, bakalan ga kekejar, nih.. makan malam di asrama!.. walah..!
Dijalan, aku putuskan untuk pergi ke masjid saja.. Alhamdulillah, disana makanan halal masih menunggu.. :P
selalu dipermudah sama Allah SWT... amin..
akhirnya.. passport biru sari dikembalikan bersama dengan alien card nya oleh Mr. Ahn dari international edu.
hehe.. sudah legal nih.. jadi alien di korea..
Alien!!! :D
tapi belum dapet student card..
akan tak tanyaken.. besok-besok.
hehe.. sudah legal nih.. jadi alien di korea..
Alien!!! :D
tapi belum dapet student card..
akan tak tanyaken.. besok-besok.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
dhoumi.. (nulisnya bener ga?)
Korean helper friend..
Hari ini kami berkenalan dengan korean helper friends.. (K-buddy). Tiap orang dapet 1 K-buddy. K-buddy ku anak tingkat akhir, yang kebetulan ambil jurusan english language. yaa.. untung aja. namanya Jung Hyun Woo.. panggilannya Woo (dibaca "u"). Katanya kakaknya tinggal di Indonesia!.. di Jakarta. Wah, asik, dong.. jadi U ga terlalu kaget dengan kebiasaan orang Indonesia, kali ya..
Program ini mengharuskan K-buddy membantu kami memperlancar praktek bahasa dan memperkenalkan budaya Korea...
yaa.. dalam satu tahun ini diharapkan bisa bicara bahasa Korea, lho.. ya gimana, nih..
semoga bermanfaat..
Korean helper friend..
Hari ini kami berkenalan dengan korean helper friends.. (K-buddy). Tiap orang dapet 1 K-buddy. K-buddy ku anak tingkat akhir, yang kebetulan ambil jurusan english language. yaa.. untung aja. namanya Jung Hyun Woo.. panggilannya Woo (dibaca "u"). Katanya kakaknya tinggal di Indonesia!.. di Jakarta. Wah, asik, dong.. jadi U ga terlalu kaget dengan kebiasaan orang Indonesia, kali ya..
Program ini mengharuskan K-buddy membantu kami memperlancar praktek bahasa dan memperkenalkan budaya Korea...
yaa.. dalam satu tahun ini diharapkan bisa bicara bahasa Korea, lho.. ya gimana, nih..
semoga bermanfaat..
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
spaghetti sama nasi
malam ini bisa makan bersama semua temen2 di asrama..
karena menunya edible.. hehe.
tapi agak berat.. baru kali ini makan nasi dengan lauknya spaghetti, fried octopus, salad dan sup jagung... waah.. enak sekalii..! hehehe.
tapi.. nasi sama spaghetti... wah, itu bikin kenyang banget..!
tapi, alhamdulillah.. :)
malam ini bisa makan bersama semua temen2 di asrama..
karena menunya edible.. hehe.
tapi agak berat.. baru kali ini makan nasi dengan lauknya spaghetti, fried octopus, salad dan sup jagung... waah.. enak sekalii..! hehehe.
tapi.. nasi sama spaghetti... wah, itu bikin kenyang banget..!
tapi, alhamdulillah.. :)
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
viva Ajuma!
Malam ini, aku tambah nasi 1 kali!.. Kenapa? karena ibu dapur masak ikan yang enak banget.. wah, pokoknya sip, sampe aku pengen nambah.. Alhamdulillah...
Disini, ga mengalami terlalu banyak kesulitan dalam memilih makanan.. dan kalau kami meminta berbeda karena tidak bisa makan, ga masalah..
hmm... thanks God..!
Disini, ga mengalami terlalu banyak kesulitan dalam memilih makanan.. dan kalau kami meminta berbeda karena tidak bisa makan, ga masalah..
hmm... thanks God..!
Monday, 14 September 2009
buka bareng..
On sunday afternoon,.. we've breaking the fast together in a mosq at Dusil, one hour from our university. We've got new friends.. her name is Nadya (with green scarf), she is Korean girl, student, who just being a moslimah for 15 days.. and she came to the mosq by her self. Nice fellow..
At 4 o'clock, a reporter from MBC TV station came and shoot our fast break preparation.. so, this is those pictures..
At 4 o'clock, a reporter from MBC TV station came and shoot our fast break preparation.. so, this is those pictures..
samul nori

It's very interesting... I think i'm going to like it..
In this class, we will learn about Korean traditional music.. samulnoree http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samul_nori
For our first day, the Professor teach us how to make a rhythm sound by claping our hands..
mybe it's basic beat for drum..
well, I'll tell you later when it's getting more excited.. :)
Saturday, 12 September 2009
inspiring people
another inspiring person: Herman Daly

imagine this: we are living in a global community, a community that mad for growth, then suddenly someone said that we can't tolerate another grow..?
Herman Daly is a post world bank economist, whom considered 'heretics' for not believe in growth. if he is a heretic, then we must be day-dreaming right now. the basis for another growth was just hasn't there anymore. he just got the simple point we are all forgetting in a chase for growth. the wealth of this planet has also the ones that support us to live. we can't have both of them at the same time. we have to set our limit of wealth.
i always posed the problem of today's economy with a simple question: are we prepare to live more simple? you can't expect the earth would support six billion all in a wealth state of common americans today. the resource just wasn't limitless.
but are we ready to face the consequences?
the denial of this state would not work either. see how Daly's thinking about current economic crisis. would it be the first sign of nations' collapses?
i think we will if we continue on denying:)

imagine this: we are living in a global community, a community that mad for growth, then suddenly someone said that we can't tolerate another grow..?
Herman Daly is a post world bank economist, whom considered 'heretics' for not believe in growth. if he is a heretic, then we must be day-dreaming right now. the basis for another growth was just hasn't there anymore. he just got the simple point we are all forgetting in a chase for growth. the wealth of this planet has also the ones that support us to live. we can't have both of them at the same time. we have to set our limit of wealth.
i always posed the problem of today's economy with a simple question: are we prepare to live more simple? you can't expect the earth would support six billion all in a wealth state of common americans today. the resource just wasn't limitless.
but are we ready to face the consequences?
the denial of this state would not work either. see how Daly's thinking about current economic crisis. would it be the first sign of nations' collapses?
i think we will if we continue on denying:)
menikmati masa tua..
Satu hal yang aku perhatikan setelah 1 minggu di Busan.. kebanyakan orang tua (di atas 50, mungkin) pergi kemana-mana dengan ransel kecil di pungung.. dan tampil sporty... sedangkan anak mudanya, tampil seperti di tipi-tipi..(Korean style).
Setiap sabtu, terlihat dari jendela kamar, banyak orang2 tua yang tracking de bukit sebelah kampus.. ga ibu-ibu ga bapak-bapak, ga kakek, ga nenek... hebat!
Sepertinya menikmati hari tua dengan berolah raga sudah menjadi hal yang umum disini..
Mungkin jaminan pensiunnya bagus, ya.. hehehe..
Umur boleh tua, tapi semangat masih muda!!..
Setiap sabtu, terlihat dari jendela kamar, banyak orang2 tua yang tracking de bukit sebelah kampus.. ga ibu-ibu ga bapak-bapak, ga kakek, ga nenek... hebat!
Sepertinya menikmati hari tua dengan berolah raga sudah menjadi hal yang umum disini..
Mungkin jaminan pensiunnya bagus, ya.. hehehe..
Umur boleh tua, tapi semangat masih muda!!..
cutting the edge..
This morning, i've walked with defri... go along the edge of my campuss, in a pine forest hill. First, we met a little squirel with pine in his mouth..run and climb a tree, avoid us.. it's too bad, we were too late to took the picture..
after 10 minutes of walked, accompanied with raven sound.. we found a tree with litter underneath.. it's too bad..
and on the top of the hill, we've met and talked with Korean people.. although we only knew a little hangul as they knew english.. but the conversation is went well.. (i think)..
What a nice saturday morning :)
Friday, 11 September 2009
bank account...
today, i've just get my busan bank account.. and this afternoon, I've tried my atm card.. it's not that hard.. cause i can choose the language in english.. hehehe...
i have to save money!...
i have to save money!...
200 won
i've just drink instant cofee from the coffee machine.. it takes 200 won.. 2 coins of 100 won..
it's not that bad.. but, not as good as betro coffee.. or aroma coffee.. hehehe
i really missed those...
it's not that bad.. but, not as good as betro coffee.. or aroma coffee.. hehehe
i really missed those...
a begining
there's always a begining for everything..
Today I've just posted a letter for my father. He is at Padang, West Sumatra.. I hope it arrive soon.. and I didn't speak any Hangul word.. just "thanks" in Hangul.. "Kamsa hamnida".. hehe
usually, there's always my friend who helped me to talk in Hangul.. and when I try to ask to one of the student,.. she just said "moloyo" means "i don't know".. i'm sorry, she said..
well, not much student can speak english here.. that's why we have to learn hangul in one year!..
but Today, I am alone.. so.. It's my first time posting a letter in Silla with tarzan language. :)
Today I've just posted a letter for my father. He is at Padang, West Sumatra.. I hope it arrive soon.. and I didn't speak any Hangul word.. just "thanks" in Hangul.. "Kamsa hamnida".. hehe
usually, there's always my friend who helped me to talk in Hangul.. and when I try to ask to one of the student,.. she just said "moloyo" means "i don't know".. i'm sorry, she said..
well, not much student can speak english here.. that's why we have to learn hangul in one year!..
but Today, I am alone.. so.. It's my first time posting a letter in Silla with tarzan language. :)
Thursday, 10 September 2009
maybe weekend
hari ini tidak ada kelas tambahan lagi. baik aku maupun amaj, tidak berniat untuk bertanya sama sun song nim (teacher).
so, sepangjang siang dan sore ini aku menghabiskan waktu di kamar..
sedikit membosankan, sebenarnya..
dengan suasana kampus di Silla yang pinggir hutan kayak gini, sepertinya sangat sayang kalo dilewatkan begitu saja..
maybe weekend.. :)
so, sepangjang siang dan sore ini aku menghabiskan waktu di kamar..
sedikit membosankan, sebenarnya..
dengan suasana kampus di Silla yang pinggir hutan kayak gini, sepertinya sangat sayang kalo dilewatkan begitu saja..
maybe weekend.. :)
TV People
Our parents were TV people. they spend at least 3 -5 hours infront of the tube everyday.
but it has been a week or so since the old fat tube of my parent were off. the radio has been a second option since then. but it wont last over than a week. we happened to have a second tv, a smaller one, that were sitting quietly in Garut. that thing was originally planned to be brought to Surabaya (my parent were so pitty of me for not having a tv). And since the big-old ones has off for the second times this year, they change their mind.
my parent didn't understand much, how's a person could life without tv. if they were asked the 'ten things you wish to brought to a deserted island' type of question, i bet TV would come in top 5 answer. it's a survival tool for them :D
but it has been a week or so since the old fat tube of my parent were off. the radio has been a second option since then. but it wont last over than a week. we happened to have a second tv, a smaller one, that were sitting quietly in Garut. that thing was originally planned to be brought to Surabaya (my parent were so pitty of me for not having a tv). And since the big-old ones has off for the second times this year, they change their mind.
my parent didn't understand much, how's a person could life without tv. if they were asked the 'ten things you wish to brought to a deserted island' type of question, i bet TV would come in top 5 answer. it's a survival tool for them :D
refuse to slow it down
after she goes, i got brokenhearted. laying on our bed listened to all the easy songs she used to listened to. and it got me paralyzed. i figured out that my mood was also enforced by the music i listened to.
so for the next couple of days or so, i spend my time browsing the old crank-throated fast-speed i used to listen to in the last eighteen years.
and i got relieved. by refusing to slow it down /m\
so for the next couple of days or so, i spend my time browsing the old crank-throated fast-speed i used to listen to in the last eighteen years.
and i got relieved. by refusing to slow it down /m\
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
10 clothes for 1 laptop
You save money for buying clothes for 10 times, and you can buy a laptop 12 inch!!!
Yesterday, I went to the market with my friends.. and see the prize.. it's suprized me!
Maybe clothes is more valuable than electronic here...
in Busan, even boys is concern with their look.. very stylist but with korean style..
Yesterday, I went to the market with my friends.. and see the prize.. it's suprized me!
Maybe clothes is more valuable than electronic here...
in Busan, even boys is concern with their look.. very stylist but with korean style..
Tonight, we had orientation hour at the dinning room from the dormitory manager. but it said in hangul, and I don't understand one of it. Even my friend, Razie didn't understand all. She speak korean much fluently among us.
Anji, is our assistant, finnally told us in english the summay of orientation program.
Well, I really still need translation from Hangul to English..
hehe.. :)
Anji, is our assistant, finnally told us in english the summay of orientation program.
Well, I really still need translation from Hangul to English..
hehe.. :)
extra class
Today is my second day of extra class..
My teacher ordered me to take this class because of my late arrival at the university. I should have came on 28th August, but I came on 5th Sept. it's because there are some confusing problem process on my service passport issue. But I am glad this problem is solved.
Yesterday it is only two of us. me and Amaj, a student from Iran. He said that he is the youngest among us. He is 22 year old. Today, there are four of us. plus Hafidz and Naseer.. they've decided to take this extra class because they dificulty on pronouncing hangul letters..
I think this class is better,because it is like a private class.. so we can ask the teacher much more than the regular class.
so, I am learning Hangul every day.. :)
My teacher ordered me to take this class because of my late arrival at the university. I should have came on 28th August, but I came on 5th Sept. it's because there are some confusing problem process on my service passport issue. But I am glad this problem is solved.
Yesterday it is only two of us. me and Amaj, a student from Iran. He said that he is the youngest among us. He is 22 year old. Today, there are four of us. plus Hafidz and Naseer.. they've decided to take this extra class because they dificulty on pronouncing hangul letters..
I think this class is better,because it is like a private class.. so we can ask the teacher much more than the regular class.
so, I am learning Hangul every day.. :)
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
busan islamic center
the first day, I met with friends from turki (Razie), thailand (Suphang), yaman (Naseer), pakistan (Hafidz), malaysia (sara), florida (katie), meksiko (Carlos), Poland (Dominic), etc.. so many countries.. I am very excited..
Defri, my room mate, she was fasting, and ask me to join to pray at busan city mosq. I acepted, not only because i want to see busan city, but the most important was, the meal was free.
So we went down town. It was Me, Defri, Razie, Hafidz, and Naseer. After 20 minutes walk, finally, we found the mosq. It should be just 5 minutes walk, but we took the wrong subway train exit gate.. Luckly, Razie can speak Korean fluently enough to ask people the way to the mosq. She is a Korean language teacher in Ankara, Turk.
But, it was dark when we took the photograph in front of the mosq. These are the pictures :
that's me with Razie.. and this are the 5 of us..
darn this
spend most of my time sleeping.
didn't get much of my writings. while the clock is running, i have to finished the book's draft by this month.
just received a notice from kompas.
my article was returned again.
it was not quite detail enough. yap,.. it was written in just an hour. i just get the idea, write it while it was there...
maybe a few data will support.
i was stunt, but exciting to write some more at the same time. :)
meanwhile: darn this internet connection!
didn't get much of my writings. while the clock is running, i have to finished the book's draft by this month.
just received a notice from kompas.
my article was returned again.
it was not quite detail enough. yap,.. it was written in just an hour. i just get the idea, write it while it was there...
maybe a few data will support.
i was stunt, but exciting to write some more at the same time. :)
meanwhile: darn this internet connection!
welcome to dormitory..
it's only took 45 minutes flight from seoul to busan..
Hye Min, drove me by her sopistichated car (with gprs in it, so you can find which way to go by click and click, and the map shows you the way), to Shilla univ dormitory. there was a lot of steep road.. Busan is a city surounded by pine wood mountains.. so much more like Bandung, but the weather is cooler.
I didn't get dormitory card, because it was sunday, and the dormitory office is closed. So, I relying on my room mate, Defri if I want to go out or enter the dormitory..
this is my room
just ask
after 7 hour sitting and sleep, at 07.00 am (local time) 5th Sept 2009, I've arrived at incheon international airport, at Seoul, capital city of South Korea.
When I arrived, I've focused on how to get to the plane which take me to Busan. the plane departed on 09.00 am. So I have 2 hours to get to the waiting room..
When I search for the check in i meet with 2 men, who ofer me a transport to the incheon station.. i can't speak korean.. so i just shake my head..sign for "no". and continued to walk straight, to find the check in place. I was hoping i didn't miss the flight. So, I didn't check the book store or anything else.. i just find the check in place.. by look at the sign board.. and ask anyone who looks like the airport officer. hehe.. just ask.
finally, I've found it. thank God! i didn't missed the flight after all.
just ask.
When I arrived, I've focused on how to get to the plane which take me to Busan. the plane departed on 09.00 am. So I have 2 hours to get to the waiting room..
When I search for the check in i meet with 2 men, who ofer me a transport to the incheon station.. i can't speak korean.. so i just shake my head..sign for "no". and continued to walk straight, to find the check in place. I was hoping i didn't miss the flight. So, I didn't check the book store or anything else.. i just find the check in place.. by look at the sign board.. and ask anyone who looks like the airport officer. hehe.. just ask.
finally, I've found it. thank God! i didn't missed the flight after all.
just ask.
Monday, 7 September 2009
welcome to korea
yesterday, sunday, i arrived at kimhae airport.. at busan city, south korea
hye min, one of prof. oh student is picked me up, at take me to silla dormitory..
Saturday, 5 September 2009
counting the last hours
we are counting the last hours..
tonight, we will be sleeping vertically separated. some 15.000 ft, i thought.
but we were never been anywhere far off of each other.. let alone 3.000 miles:)
15.000 ft and some 3.000 miles was just numbers.
tonight, we will be sleeping vertically separated. some 15.000 ft, i thought.
but we were never been anywhere far off of each other.. let alone 3.000 miles:)
15.000 ft and some 3.000 miles was just numbers.
awhile posts
this is a blog we create to share our journeys. to each of us. and to others.
while i have to go to Korea to study, my husband is wandering cities of Java and Bali, doing his work.
this surely is a way while blog.
we hope to end this blog three years from now, with us back together
... and a bunch of posts to share:)
while i have to go to Korea to study, my husband is wandering cities of Java and Bali, doing his work.
this surely is a way while blog.
we hope to end this blog three years from now, with us back together
... and a bunch of posts to share:)
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