Tuesday 8 September 2009

just ask

after 7 hour sitting and sleep, at 07.00 am (local time) 5th Sept 2009, I've arrived at incheon international airport, at Seoul, capital city of South Korea.
When I arrived, I've focused on how to get to the plane which take me to Busan. the plane departed on 09.00 am. So I have 2 hours to get to the waiting room..

When I search for the check in i meet with 2 men, who ofer me a transport to the incheon station.. i can't speak korean.. so i just shake my head..sign for "no". and continued to walk straight, to find the check in place. I was hoping i didn't miss the flight. So, I didn't check the book store or anything else.. i just find the check in place.. by look at the sign board.. and ask anyone who looks like the airport officer. hehe.. just ask.
finally, I've found it. thank God! i didn't missed the flight after all.

just ask.

1 comment:

  1. ya ya..

    it was critical time indeed. two hours would feel like a flash, while actually it means like forever.

    on waiting for something that is important to us was never felt like it lasts forever, if you know what i mean ;)
