On sunday afternoon,.. we've breaking the fast together in a mosq at Dusil, one hour from our university. We've got new friends.. her name is Nadya (with green scarf), she is Korean girl, student, who just being a moslimah for 15 days.. and she came to the mosq by her self. Nice fellow..
At 4 o'clock, a reporter from MBC TV station came and shoot our fast break preparation.. so, this is those pictures..


with Nadya (left)

Rendang cooked by Defri..

MBC tv station interview..
islam..a religion for all. did you guys find out why did she finally decided to become a moslemah?
ReplyDeleteit's always interesting to find out why someone finally found their way of truth and living it out:)
we can't talk much..
ReplyDeletebecau she speak korean, and I speak english. well, but we can communicate, though..
it was really nice..